In Animation: Avatar, the Last Airbender
Delving into an animated pair- Avatar: The Last Air bender has an unlikely pair of friends in the antagonists side. An energetic ex-acrobat and a moody daughter of a governor, Ty Lee and Mai are two close knit but very different characters. Ty Lee is bouncy, happy, and always moving. Mai is usually seen sitting, or simply standing still, and has a monotone speech pattern that contrasts with Ty Lee's. Despite their personal and visual differences, they're so close with one another that they betray their entire nation to protect one another.
In the show their different takes on any and every situation is not only a humorous comparison, but an interesting method of story telling. Both often move conversation and plot along in ways they couldn't by themselves, by their sheer character's nature.
In the show their different takes on any and every situation is not only a humorous comparison, but an interesting method of story telling. Both often move conversation and plot along in ways they couldn't by themselves, by their sheer character's nature.

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